Inspired by a tweet from Thevesh, a data scientist in Central Bank of Malaysia. I tried to replicate the ridge plot and other data visualization using Seaborn. The first part of this visualization is a collection of kernel density estimate (KDE) plot for each state and federal regions in Malaysia. KDE represents the data using a continuous probability density curve, hence the y-axis represents the density instead of population.
This dataset was imported from OpenDOSM, an open-sourced website by Department of Statistics Malaysia. It is based on Household Income Surveys (HIS) and Household Income & Expenditure Surveys (HIES) carried out from 1970 to 2022, the latest of which is HIES 2022.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import warnings
df = pd.read_csv('hiesba_percentiles.csv')
year | state | percentile | mean | median | minimum | maximum | |
0 | 2019 | Malaysia | 1st | 957 | 1001 | NaN | 1141.0 |
1 | 2019 | Malaysia | 2nd | 1284 | 1244 | 1141.0 | 1459.0 |
2 | 2019 | Malaysia | 3rd | 1556 | 1559 | 1460.0 | 1641.0 |
3 | 2019 | Malaysia | 4th | 1718 | 1718 | 1642.0 | 1789.0 |
4 | 2019 | Malaysia | 5th | 1858 | 1856 | 1790.0 | 1928.0 |
year | mean | median | minimum | maximum | |
count | 3400.000000 | 3400.000000 | 3400.000000 | 3366.000000 | 3366.000000 |
mean | 2020.500000 | 7765.838824 | 7701.645294 | 7553.986631 | 7546.509804 |
std | 1.500221 | 7189.765820 | 6752.670857 | 6118.880789 | 6092.639737 |
min | 2019.000000 | 740.000000 | 750.000000 | 866.000000 | 866.000000 |
25% | 2019.000000 | 3607.000000 | 3608.750000 | 3627.750000 | 3623.500000 |
50% | 2020.500000 | 5819.000000 | 5818.500000 | 5830.000000 | 5824.000000 |
75% | 2022.000000 | 9515.250000 | 9520.250000 | 9467.500000 | 9465.000000 |
max | 2022.000000 | 120000.000000 | 85605.000000 | 68147.000000 | 67299.000000 |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 3400 entries, 0 to 3399 Data columns (total 7 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 year 3400 non-null int64 1 state 3400 non-null object 2 percentile 3400 non-null object 3 mean 3400 non-null int64 4 median 3400 non-null int64 5 minimum 3366 non-null float64 6 maximum 3366 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(2), int64(3), object(2) memory usage: 186.1+ KB
# generate a new df for states only without Malaysia
statesdf = df.copy()
statesdf.drop(statesdf[statesdf['state'] == 'Malaysia'].index, inplace=True)
# list of unique states without Malaysia
states = statesdf['state'].unique()
['Johor' 'Kedah' 'Kelantan' 'Melaka' 'Negeri Sembilan' 'Pahang' 'Pulau Pinang' 'Perak' 'Perlis' 'Selangor' 'Terengganu' 'Sabah' 'Sarawak' 'W.P. Kuala Lumpur' 'W.P. Labuan' 'W.P. Putrajaya']
# generate income mean for each state
state_mean_serie = statesdf.groupby('state')['mean'].mean()
statesdf['state_mean'] = statesdf['state'].map(state_mean_serie)
# sort the states by the income mean
statesdf = statesdf.sort_values(by="state_mean", ascending=False)
['W.P. Kuala Lumpur' 'W.P. Putrajaya' 'Selangor' 'W.P. Labuan' 'Johor' 'Pulau Pinang' 'Melaka' 'Terengganu' 'Negeri Sembilan' 'Sarawak' 'Sabah' 'Pahang' 'Perak' 'Perlis' 'Kedah' 'Kelantan']
# generate a color palette
pal = sns.color_palette(palette='coolwarm', n_colors=len(states))
# generate a FacetGrid
grid = sns.FacetGrid(statesdf, row='state', hue='state', aspect=8, height=1, palette=pal, xlim=(-1000, 22000), ylim=(0, 0.00025))
# add kdeplots for each state, 'minimum', bw_adjust=0.4, clip_on=True, fill=True, alpha=1, linewidth=1, cut=0)
# add blackline as contour for each kdeplot, 'minimum', bw_adjust=0.4, clip_on=True, color='black', lw=1, cut=0)
# add horizontal lines for each kdeplot
grid.refline(y=0, linewidth=1, linestyle='-', color=None, clip_on=False)
# add vertical reference lines
for x_value in [0, 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000]:
grid.refline(x=x_value, linewidth=1, linestyle='--', color='gray', clip_on=False)
def label(state, color, label):
ax = plt.gca()
ax.text(-0.2, 0.2, label, fontweight=8, color='black',
ha="left", va="center", transform=ax.transAxes), 'state')
# get the subplots to overlap
# remove axes titles, yticks and spines
grid.set(yticks=[], ylabel="")
grid.despine(bottom=True, left=True)
plt.xlabel('Monthly Household Income (RM)', fontweight=12, fontsize=10)
grid.fig.suptitle('Income Distribution by State',
# create a df with only KL and Kelantan
klkeldf = statesdf[statesdf['state'].str.contains("Kuala Lumpur|Kelantan") == True]
# generate a color palette
pal2 = sns.color_palette(palette='coolwarm', n_colors=2)
# generate a FacetGrid
g = sns.FacetGrid(klkeldf, row='state', hue='state', aspect=8, height=1.5, palette=pal2, xlim=(-100, 21000), ylim=(0, 0.00025))
# add kdeplots for each state, 'mean', bw_adjust=0.4, clip_on=True, fill=True, alpha=1, linewidth=1, cut=0)
# add blackline as contour for each kdeplot, 'mean', bw_adjust=0.4, clip_on=True, color='black', lw=1, cut=0)
# add horizontal lines for each kdeplot
g.refline(y=0, linewidth=1, linestyle='-', color=None, clip_on=False)
# add vertical reference lines
for x_value in [0, 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000]:
g.refline(x=x_value, linewidth=1, linestyle='--', color='gray', clip_on=False)
def label2(state, color, label):
ax2 = plt.gca()
ax2.text(-0.13, 0.2, label, fontweight=8, color='black',
ha="left", va="center", transform=ax2.transAxes), 'state')
# get the subplots to overlap
# remove axes titles, yticks and spines
g.set(yticks=[], ylabel="")
g.despine(bottom=True, left=True)
plt.xlabel('Monthly Household Income (RM)', fontweight=12, fontsize=12)
g.fig.suptitle('Income Distribution: Kuala Lumpur vs Kelantan',
# generate income median for each state
state_median_serie = statesdf.groupby('state')['median'].median()
statesdf['state_median'] = statesdf['state'].map(state_median_serie)
statesdf = statesdf.sort_values(by="state_median", ascending=False)
# generate barplot for state medians
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 12))
g2 = sns.barplot(data=statesdf, x="state_median", y="state", hue="state", orient='h', dodge=False, palette='coolwarm', width=0.8)
for bars in g2.containers:
g2.bar_label(bars, padding= 3, fontsize= 10)
g2.figure.suptitle('Median Monthly Household Income',
g2.set(xticks=[], xlabel="")